Earnings every days.


How does it work?

The essential points

1. A Powerful Training

Our strategies are for anyone who wants to increase their income. It doesn’t matter what level of knowledge or previous experience you have.

2. Progress at your own pace

Start when you want and go at your own pace. Watch the videos online, follow the action plans, and use the tools and templates provided.

3. Get results

We make investing in the stock market accessible to everyone. Our members prove every day that solid training is much more effective than a ready-made formula.

Detailed training content

In just fifteen days, we'll help you collect daily earnings in trading.

Earnings every day. Simply.
7 modules / 36 lessons
Bonus : One week of live trading on a financial asset.
How to collect daily earnings to increase your income tenfold. Use the power of Scalping and achieve winning trades.
1. Prepare to use the profitable strategy

In the first step, you will discover how the stock market works, which markets and financial intermediaries to prioritize in order to invest risk-free so that you can quickly create your first income from the stock market.
You will develop the mindset of a Profitable Trader that will help you to progress through this programme quickly and in the right way to achieve quick results.

The important points:

  • We will explain the PROFITABLE TRADER star in detail, which is the tool that will help you monitor your profitability and your trading level.
  • We will also explain how the stock market works so that you can discover how you can make money.
  • We will also see how to choose which type of financial asset to invest in on the stock market.
  • You will discover the steps to follow in order to make money sustainably on the stock market.

At the end of this step, you will have all the keys you need to understand how the stock market and financial markets work so that you can become a profitable trader.

2. The Daytrader Pro strategy

The goal of this step is to explain how the DAYTRADER PRO strategy is used to find profit-making trades for short-term trading. You will learn the rules of this strategy in detail, which is based on the ICHIMOKU indicator, the most comprehensive indicator for investing in the stock market.

The important points:

  • Why the strategy is based on the ICHIMOKU KINKO HYO indicator.
  • How ICHIMOKU and its parameters work.
  • How to spot input signals using ICHIMOKU whilst avoiding pitfalls.
  • How to close your trades effectively to maximize your earnings.
  • How to get the most out of the strength of a trend and boost your earnings.

At the end of this step, you will have mastered all the necessary techniques of our trading strategy. You will know exactly when to enter and where to exit your trades so that you can make the most of financial market movements.

3. Manage your trades efficiently (secure your trading)

In the third step, you will learn the rules for optimum management of your trades. The objective is to find winning trades that bring in a lot of money, and to avoid entering loss-making trades.

What we will look at:

  • The 3-Unit-of-Time method to find stellar trades.
  • The three configurations to use to exploit the DAYTRADER PRO strategy, and the configuration to use according to your trading level.
  • How to use the 3UT method with the DAY TRADER PRO strategy.
  • How to place your Stop Loss effectively in the DAY TRADER PRO strategy.
  • The importance of the Breakeven to permanently reduce losses.
  • And more...

By the end of the third step, you will know the best ways to apply the rules of the DAYTRADER PRO strategy.

4. Use the strategy on a daily basis

In this fourth step, you will learn how to apply the DTP strategy on a daily basis. You will have all the ingredients you need in order to apply this strategy and increase your earnings on the stock market.

The important points:

  • Find out how the strategy works.
  • Learn the rules and principles for knowing when to buy and when to sell.
  • Discover the tools to use in order to progress on a daily basis.

At the end of this step, the only thing left to do is to take action and start trading using this DAY TRADING strategy.

5. Start and progress

Starting this fifth step is a sign that you have all the ingredients you need in order to apply the DTP strategy and increase your stock market earnings. Then all you have to do is take action!

The important points:

  • The next steps to follow in order to master the DAYTRADER PRO strategy.
  • The importance of monitoring your earnings curve on a daily basis in order to progress.
  • The eight trading analysis points to use in order to understand your results.
  • The four questions to ask yourself if you experience repeated losses.
  • The technique to develop a solid knowledge base.

At the end of this step, you will be able to take action and start using the DTP strategy on a daily basis, first in a demo account and then for real!

6. Advanced techniques

In this sixth step, you will learn advanced techniques to identify more trading opportunities, and also to increase your earnings.

The important points:

  • How to trade when the three units of time diverge using the DAYTRADER PRO strategy.
  • How to adapt the DAYTRADER PRO strategy according to whether the market is trending or in a range phase.
  • Advanced entry signals to identify more opportunities in the markets.
  • How to optimize your entry and exit points in Scalping.
  • The technique to enter a trade earlier and easily earn a few pips.
  • The “EXIT IN 2X” technique to take advantage of a trend and increase your earnings.

At the end of this step, you will find that these additional techniques will send your earnings stratospheric!

7. Real-time trading

Discover a series of three live trading sessions on applying the strategy in different contexts:

  • Live trading in an upward trend
  • Live trading in a range phase
  • Live trading in a downward trend

At the end of this step you will have concrete examples of position summary sheets and advanced tools that will allow you to identify exactly how to apply the strategy.

  • Pro trading software
  • Complete video training
  • Profitable Traders Community
  • Downloadable eBook
  • Mobile and TV access
  • Certificate of completion
  • Lifetime access
DAYTRADER PRO is a level 2 training course, which means that it is preferable to have a basic understanding of investing in the financial markets so that you can take full advantage of the content.

New to trading? Our programs offer all the content you need to acquire a solid knowledge of stock market investment, trading and crypto.

See the programs

Our members are not only satisfied,
they got a profitable strategy and they are making money!

A powerful training to achieve immediate results


Your strategy:

More than training, we give you access to the best financial markets.

Earnings every day. Simply.
$797 $497
Access to the best trading tools
Trader box
Access to performance monitoring indicators, calculators, trading plans and more...
+ all updates
100% money-back guarantee

You can test out DAYTRADER PRO for 14 days.
If you are not satisfied, you will be fully refunded.

Three simple steps to get started


Enter your payment information using the secure purchase form.


Log into your member area using the details that you will receive by email.


Once logged in, you will have immediate access to the full program.


Do you have questions about DAYTRADER PRO?
Take a look at the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Who is DAYTRADER PRO for? Is it suitable for me?
DAYTRADER PRO is specially built for amateurs who want to access a trading strategy to make winning trades in SCALPING and INTRADAY TRADING. It is a training course that guides you every step of the way and lays out the action plan from A to Z to help you make a profit on the stock market. We share our screens to show you all the details so you can see exactly what to do and in what order!
How do I know if DAYTRADER PRO will work for me?
The satisfaction rate for our programs has been over 97% for over four years. Our goal is to make investing in the financial markets accessible to everyone by sharing our best strategies, experience and advice. We want you to invest in the financial markets with confidence and make money. Once you start working through the program carefully and preparing yourself, you will get results. You have 14 days to test out your program. If you are not satisfied, you will be fully refunded.
I don’t have much time, is this suitable for me?
Yes, by joining the PROFITABLE TRADER program you get unlimited lifetime access to the full program. You are free to start whenever you want, whether that’s in three weeks or three months. In addition, each program includes videos lasting 10 to 15 minutes so you can work through the advice very easily and progress at your own pace. It only takes 15 minutes to learn how to collect your first income.
I have a limited starting capital, can I still make money on the financial markets?
Yes, that is the exact objective of this program. In DAYTRADER PRO we show you the techniques that will allow you to start investing and making money, even with a small capital of less than $500.
What are the risks of investing my money in the financial markets?
You should be aware that any investment represents a risk to your capital. This applies to all investments: the stock market, real estate or starting a company. In DAYTRADER PRO, we will show you all the tools that will allow you to manage the risk simply and in a completely secure way. You will learn exactly what to do in order to protect your money.
I am bad at computers, do I have to use software?
Firstly, we have built DAYTRADER PRO in such a way that it is accessible to everyone. Accessing the training, videos and documents is very easy. In terms of the software that will help you invest in the financial markets, we have selected the simplest and most intuitive software for you. We will show you step-by-step how to use them easily. You don’t have to be a computer genius! Finally, if you have any difficulties, our team is here to help you.
How long do I have access to the content?
You have access to the full content for life, and everything is unlimited! You can work through the DAYTRADER PRO strategy at your own pace, depending on how much time you want to devote to it so you can start investing in the financial markets with confidence. If you need to rewatch videos, you can do so anytime. The program is structured to help you generate your first earnings in just four weeks.
I don’t live in the USA, is it accessible worldwide?
Yes, you have access to the member’s area 24/7 from anywhere in the world. This is the advantage of our 100% online learning platform! We also have members in more than 54 countries. All you need is an Internet connection to work through the DAYTRADER PRO strategy. The method that we teach applies to all financial markets, whether you are in Europe, the United States, Asia or the rest of the world.
What if I have more questions?
Your DAYTRADER PRO strategy is accompanied by responsive customer support. Our team is available to answer all your questions. The other members of the programs are also available to share their experience and help you. You will always receive an answer to your questions.

More than 97% of our members achieve concrete results and recommend ALTI TRADING courses.